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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 581-590 of 796 results for

Cybersecurity clear Smart Manufacturing clear Casting clear Fabrication clear

Generative Design and the Conventional Machine Shop

The term generative design has been popping up in the manufacturing world of late. Its promise is to create many design permutations to let engineers choose an optimum one that meets sometimes conflicting requirements.

Acquiring Production Data From Legacy Equipment

Manufacturers make strategic and operational decisions with digital production data and analytics, including information ranging from part counts and output speeds to machine conditions and alarm status.

Japanese firm embraces edge computing after experiment

The Internet of Things (IoT) market is estimated to reach 75 billion devices worldwide by 2025. With the big increase in connected devices, it’s becoming more critical than ever for manufacturers to leverage new technologies, such as edge computing, to gather, process and manage IoT data.