Xometry Acquires Thomas December 8, 2021 Xometry today announced the acquisition of Thomas (Thomasnet.com), a leader in product sourcing, supplier selection, and digital marketing solutions.
Get AI Projects in the Air September 28, 2021 In the AI world, fear is driven by unfamiliarity with the process, the professional impact of failure and the daunting tasks of pulling together all of the people and perspectives required just to get started. Here are three key lessons learned from our work with Rolls-Royce and Gulfstream that will clear your AI project for takeoff.
As forgetful as they may be, humans need to be revered October 19, 2021 Artificial Intelligence combined with endless cloud computing resources means more machine involvement and a faster progression to end-to-end automation for manufacturing plants.
Try Feature-Based PLE September 29, 2021 Feature-based Product Line Engineering refers to the engineering of a portfolio of related products using a shared set of engineering assets, a managed set of features, and an automated means of production.
Complex Programming Drives Machining Automation September 30, 2021 Chuck Mathews, executive vice president, CMO, CTO ESPRIT CAM, part of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence, discusses the latest software trends.
LIMS Edge Device Expedites Entry into Industry 4.0 Production, Competitiveness September 30, 2021 LIMS—the Low Investment Manufacturing System—is an unassuming little box consisting of a computer with proprietary Solution Engine software and an I/O hub that plugs into a standard outlet. When wired at the edge of a piece of production equipment, it becomes a simple solution for collecting and sharing complex sensor-derived data.
Making Logistics Likable October 13, 2023 Manufacturing isn't just about the production floor; optimized warehouse and supply chain operations are equally crucial. Explore how advanced technologies and expert advice are helping manufacturers tackle the challenges of logistics, labor shortages, and unpredictability in today's competitive landscape.
The Bottom Line on Sustainability January 9, 2024 Recycling increases efficiency, enhances brand image and saves money.
Making Automation Work for Aerospace October 10, 2023 Aerospace manufacturing is on the brink of an automation revolution, offering greater efficiency, safety and cost-effectiveness. Dive into the key considerations, from ROI analysis to worker benefits, and find out how the industry's future is set to soar with automation.
Time is Money: Maintaining a Cutting Edge October 16, 2023 Delve into the world of modern machine maintenance, where technology-driven advancements are reshaping how we keep our cutting-edge equipment in top shape.