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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 51-60 of 410 results for

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Customized Machine, Tools for Heavy-Duty Machining

The push to modernize technology-intensive sectors in Asia—such as automotive, aerospace and general engineering—is constantly stretching machine tool builders in the region to their limits. The demand is not just for standard machines.

Toolmakers Respond to New Holemaking Demands

One of mankind’s oldest manufacturing methods—making a hole—is now challenged by rapid advances, including new and harder materials, increased part complexity, ever smaller component parts, and the need for shorter cycle times.

Multi-Purpose Machine Tool

So you’ve heard all sorts of good things about Swiss-style, sliding headstock CNC lathes and have been thinking about investing in one.

Swiss Machining Made Simpler

Swiss-style machine tools can be a good choice for making complex parts. On the downside, however, Swiss machining itself has a reputation of being complex—and, therefore, more difficult to master than standard machining.

Diesel Propulsion Takes to the Skies

In a small town in northwestern Wisconsin, a dedicated group of engineers, designers, and machinists are working with a visionary management team on a concept that could have a revolutionary effect on general aviation and impact other forms of flight.

A Supermarket for Tooling and Workholding

If you’re looking for new solutions to tooling and workholding challenges, IMTS was a great place to start. The bi-annual trade show, held this past September in Chicago, allowed shops to browse for the “latest and greatest” technologies.

Advanced Cutting Tools Rev Up Milling Operations

Do you have what it takes to raise your milling productivity to the next level? In addition to the requisite know-how, you need cutters and machine tools that will allow you to employ milling techniques that exceed what’s normally possible. Aided by the right hardware, you may soon be performing feats like pushing your feed rates to new highs and cutting harder materials than ever before.