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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 641-650 of 1217 results for

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Smart Talk with Machine Tool Partners Takes Flight

The COVID-19 pandemic reshaped U.S. manufacturing, creating opportunities and challenges in the aerospace and defense sectors. With it, we saw an emphasis on the crucial role of automation, machine tools, and strategic partnerships in securing success in this evolving landscape.

AM for MRO Helps Extend Aircraft Lifespan

Discover how laser additive manufacturing is revolutionizing aerospace maintenance, repair, and sustainability, helping extend the lifespan of aircraft parts while mitigating supply chain challenges.

Cobots and Simulation Software for Non-Destructive Evaluation

NASA's Langley Research Center is using collaborative robots (cobots) and RoboDK software to automate and enhance the inspection of aircraft fuselages. By utilizing dual cobots, heating elements, and infrared cameras, NASA has significantly improved inspection speed, accuracy, and coverage.

Sustaining CAD/CAM Agility

Explore the transformative impact of cloud, edge computing, large language models (LLM), and convergence in the manufacturing industry, emphasizing the importance of integrated data systems and automation for improved productivity and innovation.