Human Innovation and Advanced Automation: The Balancing Act of Modern Manufacturing May 16, 2019 The automation debate is a captivating one, but for some it conjures up images of a world where their roles become obsolete, superseded by the ruthless efficiency and unwavering energy of machines.
‘Digital Twins’ Have Positive Plant-Wide Impact May 11, 2019 One of the foundational aspects of Industry 4.0 protocols is the creation of electronic “digital twin” models of product data and production processes. This includes an exact replica of all machine tools, including complex work envelopes showing the particular spindles, fixtures, and cutting tools.
Get Fluent in Blockchain, Architect a Better Future May 13, 2019 These days mirror the late 1990s, when the Internet evolved to widespread use—and the topic bedeviled many. But others—in banking and entertainment, for example—who quickly learned the new lingo and jumped at the chance to explore the Web’s potential benefited greatly. Today’s tantalizing topic: blockchain.
Special Report: In Blockchain We Trust April 26, 2019 The technology behind the rise of cryptocurrencies is widely expected to bring ‘a common source of truth’ to manufacturing.
Laser Cutting Powers Up April 10, 2019 Implementing a comprehensive laser cutting system is not a task for the faint of heart. In addition to the financial outlay, requirements include planning for a complete system, not just the laser, according to Dustin Diehl, laser division product manager, Amada America Inc., Buena Park, Calif.
Combined with AI, IoT, Blockchain Can Meet Many Supply Chain Challenges February 12, 2019 Blockchain technology is becoming a key player in modernizing supply chains to enable easy tracking, automate transactions and delivery, and build end-to-end trust, Chandra Narayanaswami, principal research staff member, Member IBM Academy of Technology at IBM Research, told people attending a smart manufacturing session at the MD&M West conference here last week.
Multitasking Machines = Increased Efficiency, Better Quality August 19, 2022 The Metal Removal pavilion at IMTS features automated technologies cojoined to make better parts.
Controls and CAD/CAM: Connections Growing Stronger August 18, 2022 Data democratization promises to boost manufacturing quality and deliver real-world ROI.
Manufacturing Simulation Helps Prepare RPI Students for Real-World Challenges October 28, 2022 An interview with Sam Chiappone, director of manufacturing innovation, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Engineering.
CAD/CAM + Employee Empowerment = Improved Efficiency October 24, 2022 Amada Tool America Inc. conquered cost reduction by unlocking the potential of its CAM software.