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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 701-710 of 1235 results for

Automation clear Casting clear Smart Manufacturing clear Stamping clear

Directed energy deposition shapes the future of additive

When it comes to turbine blade repair, directed energy deposition is the go-to solution. This helps explain why Optomec has installed nearly 100 machines for this application, with more than 10 million blades repaired thus far.

Developing a Multi-Tier Technology Workforce

Making operators and process designers better informed in real time, with a focus on making intelligent decisions with enhanced data, is the key to updating U.S. aerospace and defense manufacturing capabilities.

Time to create stronger, more agile U.S. supply chains

When Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute needed clear plastic to make face shields for the coronavirus pandemic, conventional suppliers were unable to provide it. “We are now one of the largest purchasers of document covers in the country,” Robert Hull, acting VP for research at Rensselaer, said during a  webinar that SME and CESMII – the Smart Manufacturing Institute hosted last week.