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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 71-80 of 99 results for

Cybersecurity clear Fabrication clear Stamping clear

Learning is a Continuing Venture

The Composites Manufacturing Technical Group of SME recognized two individuals and two prominent composites manufacturing organizations at its 2021 Excellence in Composites Manufacturing Awards program.

Custom Products, Standard Training

Tooling U-SME proves the most helpful training to Iowa’s Rosenboom because employees learn things online that are immediately applicable.

Experts knock down AI barriers

Why don’t more manufacturers in the United States use smart manufacturing technologies like AI and machine learning to reduce waste, achieve predictive maintenance and enhance their automation systems? Five CESMII roundtable panelists share their insights.

Trumpf Shows New Offerings—Virtually

Among the expected new product offerings a company such as Trumpf would offer at FABTECH, it chose to show all of its offerings via large video screens and real-time links. It shows the reality of not only Industry 4.0 but Marketing 4.0 as well.