Datanomix, ProShop ERP Announce Partnership September 7, 2022 Datanomix and ProShop ERP, a supplier of digital manufacturing management systems, today announced a partnership to help manufacturers deliver more insights from their operational data.
CMMC 2.0 Update; 5 Basic Steps for Cybersecurity August 1, 2022 The structure of CMMC 2.0 has been streamlined to be slightly less stringent and easier to implement, especially for shops in the lower tiers of the supply chain.
Smart Planning for Future Success July 21, 2022 In today’s ever-changing environment, planning—and investing in next-generation solutions—is more critical than ever.
Safe & Secure? July 27, 2022 Black hats, script kiddies, phishers, and hostile nation-states. Bad actors are out there, fervently working to sabotage your factory and steal your stuff. What are you doing about it?
Driving Cultural Change in Manufacturing Cybersecurity July 27, 2022 As hackers become more sophisticated and dangerous, manufacturers need to step up their cybersecurity efforts.
A Ready to Deploy Platform for the Internet of Things June 28, 2022 Sudhir Mehta, global vice president for digital transformation at Lexmark, headquartered in Lexington, Ky., discusses the company’s ready-made Optra IoT platform and its value to all types of manufacturers.
Mirroring the World June 23, 2022 From SimCity to Universe in a Shoebox—the growth of digital twins and what they mean to small- and medium-sized manufacturers.
Choosing the Right Press June 20, 2022 Press technology — whether mechanical, hydraulic, or servo — plays many roles.