Machine Tool Orders Surge on Monthly Basis in February April 10, 2023 Machine tool orders in February advanced sharply on a monthly basis, AMT – The Association for Manufacturing Technology said today.
AM, Meet A.I. June 12, 2023 Ready for more disruption in a rapidly changing manufacturing industry? Why artificial intelligence and machine learning are the next big thing in 3D printing.
Janka Named Chairman of AMT May 3, 2023 Mazak President Dan Janka once again has accepted the position of chairman of the board of The Association of Manufacturing Technology (AMT).
ISM Manufacturing Index Improves, Remains in Contraction May 1, 2023 The manufacturing economy remained in contraction last month while improving slightly, the Institute for Supply Management said today.
Ford Revenue Rises, Shifts to Profit in First Quarter May 2, 2023 Ford Motor Co. on May 2 reported a first-quarter profit and sharply higher revenue.
GF Machining Solutions Relocates Warehouse May 3, 2023 GF Machining Solutions has moved its North American parts warehouse operations to an airport-adjacent location in Indianapolis.
It’s Time to Join the Fourth Industrial Revolution June 22, 2023 Digital transformation for legacy factories
Manufacturing Slows in May Amid Uncertainty June 1, 2023 The manufacturing economy slowed further in May as companies cope with uncertainty, the Institute for Supply Management said today.
Durable Goods Orders Rise in April May 30, 2023 Orders for durable goods increased in April, paced by defense aircraft and parts, the Commerce Department reported May 26.
Creative Solutions for Productivity, Profitability April 19, 2023 Navigating lingering industrywide concerns that make bottom-line sense.