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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 1-10 of 106 results for

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Micromanufacturing is Growing

Many industries have been making parts with micron dimensions for some time, but in the last few years, the market for miniaturization has expanded. The demand is not only for small parts, but also for small complex features on larger parts. This is due chiefly to the switch to modules in which the functions of several parts or subsystems are not handled by a single complex unit.

E-mobility Increases Issues for Leak Detection

Today’s rapid and unexpected growth in the production of vehicles with alternative drive systems is giving carmakers and their manufacturing partners a wide range of leak-detection challenges to ensure vehicle quality.

Turbine Repair Firm Fills the Talent Gap

CRT, a turbine repair firm, is working with Tooling U-SME to educate its workforce. With more than 300 different courses in machining and an extensive library available in welding and inspection, CRT is pleased with the breadth of content.