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Women in Engineering

Neil Curtis
By Neil Curtis DVP, Sales Marketing and Service, Zygo Corp.
Karen Nyberg in International Space Station
Karen Nyberg, engineer and retired astronaut, in the International Space Station.

Gender diversity is becoming increasingly important across all industries and disciplines—for good reason. But, unfortunately, historical and societal biases have often sidelined women. This is especially true in technical fields such as engineering and other male-dominated professions.

Achieving gender diversity in engineering and creating diverse teams foster innovative thinking, and improve group dynamics and outcomes, emphasizing the valuable perspectives women can add. The importance of role models and the necessity of addressing systemic issues to genuinely attract and retain more women in the profession are key to realizing the benefits of true diversity in experiences and perspectives.

Zygo Corp., a Middlefield, Conn.-based manufacturer, embraces such diversity. This is evident throughout the organization, including three women who share their experiences in this article:

  • Jennifer Helberg, division vice president (DVP), business unit manager
  • Sara Moein, optical systems engineer
  • Lisa Zhang, application engineer

Another prime example is Karen Nyberg. As an engineer and retired astronaut who, in 2008, became the 50th woman to travel to space as a mission specialist on Space Shuttle Discovery, STS-124, she has literally taken engineering to new heights.

The Importance of Women in Engineering

The topic of women in engineering is of paramount importance today because a diversified engineering field brings a broader range of perspectives, fostering innovation and better solutions to complex challenges. While historically underrepresented, women bring unique experiences and ideas that enrich the discipline.

Promoting gender equity in engineering not only corrects longstanding systemic biases, it also expands the talent pool, optimizing the potential for breakthroughs in the field. As our world becomes more interconnected and reliant on technological advances, it is imperative that the engineers shaping our future reflect the diverse populations they serve.

Women face barriers including systemic biases, stereotypes, and a lack of mentorship or opportunities. Additionally, societal expectations often place a disproportionate burden of caregiving roles on women, irrespective of their professional aspirations. According to the Institute on Aging, upwards of 75% of all caregivers are female, who may spend as much as 50% more time providing care than their male counterparts.

While women’s underrepresentation in engineering can be attributed to a confluence of societal, cultural and institutional factors, deep-rooted stereotypes have often pigeonholed women into certain roles. Educational systems and workplaces, at times, have perpetuated these biases, either subtly or overtly, through limited access to resources, opportunities or mentorship for women. Additionally, the lack of visible female role models in the field, as well as challenges in balancing work-life dynamics, can deter women from entering and persevering in engineering. Such an environment has excluded a sizable portion of potential talent.

Why Gender Diversity Matters

Gender diversity introduces a variety of perspectives, experiences and creative approaches to problem-solving, thus enriching the brainstorming process. Engineering, at its core, is about designing solutions, and a diverse team can offer a broad spectrum of ideas, leading to more innovative and comprehensive solutions. By combining the experiences of all genders, engineering teams can tap into a richer pool of creativity and insights, which often results in out-of-the-box thinking and enhanced product designs.

Engineering products and solutions are used by a diverse global population. When engineering teams reflect the demographics of end users, it ensures that the designed solutions cater to a wider audience’s needs and are more universally adaptable. For instance, safety equipment designed only by men might not account for women’s specific requirements, leading to potential usability or safety concerns. Gender diversity ensures that products and systems are more inclusive and effective for all people.

In addition, a diverse team often leads to improved group dynamics and collaboration. Studies have shown that companies with gender-balanced teams often outperform their counterparts in terms of productivity, profitability and employee satisfaction. A balanced team, where all voices are valued, fosters a positive working environment and boosts morale.

By actively promoting gender diversity, engineering firms can access a wider talent pool. In the global marketplace, where competition is fierce, having the best minds is crucial for success. Moreover, companies that prioritize diversity are often seen as more progressive, making them more attractive to industry partners and potential employees, and further enhancing their talent draw and competitive edge.

Engineering & Leadership Roles

When it comes to women in engineering and leadership positions, we need to tangibly nail down why it is so important.

Zygo’s Helberg succinctly points out that companies in general struggle to find talent. “If you make it harder for women to progress, you are turning your back on half the population and making this talent hunt even harder,” she explains. “Also, at Zygo, in common with many companies, our customer base is extremely diverse, and we need to interact, engage and connect with them in the best way possible. Having women in a male-dominated environment means we inject different nuances of engagement than our male counterparts, which can only be beneficial for team and business success.”

One of the keys to attracting women to engineering roles is for them to identify themselves as having a place in that environment, and so being able to see women in influential positions is fundamental. No one epitomizes this more than Nyberg.

“Many women and girls have mentioned that I am an inspiration to them,” Nyberg notes. “(I’m) someone from a small town succeeding in being an astronaut, which is something very few women have done. But what is unfortunate is that I started my journey as an astronaut 30 years ago, and not that much seems to have changed,” she laments.

“In mechanical engineering, university undergraduates today are still 90% men. Role models need to be in place to break this bias, and to help women shine when they eventually enter the engineering workforce.”

Zygo’s Moein discusses how she struggled and, eventually, overcame such bias. “When I started my doctorate degree in optical engineering in the U.S., I was very aware of the fact that I was in a male-dominated discipline, and that the ratio of female-to-male classmates and professors was still very low,” she says.

“From the standpoint of a female engineer, this meant that I had very few female role models around me to look up to, and that people made assumptions about my professional path and choices based on my gender. To overcome these challenges, I reached out to the very few female classmates and professors and made a small community in which we could freely discuss the challenges and learn from each other’s experiences.

“I also became a member of professional societies,” Moein continues, “and reached out to them to use their resources, such as invited talks and online workshops, to educate myself and my classmates and professors (male and female) about these issues and how to face them.”

Family Matters

Beyond the underrepresentation and need to overcome workplace challenges, Helberg says some women are self-selecting out of high-powered engineering jobs and leadership positions as they consider the sacrifices and balancing them with traditional family roles. “Men make the same sacrifices, but I feel that on (some) level we really do begin to boil this whole subject down to genetic wiring and nurture versus nature. People and, indeed, company policy have entrenched positions when it comes to gender-specific family roles.”

Fundamentally, if companies want to attract more women, and truly embrace gender diversity, they have to understand the dynamic of family life that is so important to all, and be more understanding and welcoming to people (male or female) who want a family.

Moein identifies other areas where companies can level the playing field. “Companies can encourage young women to pursue roles in engineering by providing them with opportunities to advance their professional career. This could include facilitating hiring more qualified female engineers and scientists, providing equal pay and opportunities for professional growth, and encouraging women to take leadership positions.

“I have noticed that companies, including Zygo, are celebrating diversity more,” Moein continues. “I believe that putting a spotlight on female engineers and scientists is one of the key components in letting others know that the engineering field is evolving and moving towards a more diverse and welcoming field.”

The upside of having true gender diversity, according to Nyberg, is simply better outcomes. “If teams are diverse, they pool different experiences and bring together different aptitudes, and this makes a huge difference to outcomes.”

Helberg agrees, pointing to the importance of risk management. “Stereotypically women are more risk averse than men, it is in their DNA,” she says. “Too often, however, I think we feel we have to bang the drum for equality by saying there are no differences between men and women. But the reality is that there are—and we need to embrace and leverage these differences. When it comes to risk, a balance of risk aversion and risk tolerance, for example, is healthy.”

Encouraging Interest & Passion

Recognizing and encouraging passion is critical to helping people make positive career choices.

“Recognizing and tapping into an individual’s innate passions can be a game changer,” Nyberg says. “If we can illustrate to women how engineering can be a tool to realize their passions, whether it’s in environmental conservation, healthcare, art or any other field, it becomes a means to an end they care deeply about. By connecting the dots between what a woman is genuinely passionate about and how engineering can be the pathway to achieve that, we shift the narrative. It becomes less about fitting into a male-dominated field and more about harnessing engineering as a powerful enabler to fulfill personal and professional aspirations,” she asserts.

Once ignited, and once involved in a career in engineering, motivations can be the same for everyone—the wonder about science informs so much in our everyday lives.

Zhang agrees: “When you work in the engineering industry, you will be exposed to many creative inventions and discoveries and have a chance to understand many production processes. Take the appearance of some brand-new car lights as an example; they are brighter and cooler recently, which is because of an improvement in the processing technology of the lights and the molds,” she explains. “To ensure that the manufacturing of the lights conforms to the design, high-end instruments are needed to do quality control, and many manufacturers use Zygo’s optical profilers for this. I am excited that when I look at a new headlight array, I understand why the lights look so great, and that I am part of the reason why.”

Through diverse thoughts, ideas and perspectives, as well as challenging the status quo, better outcomes are possible and more career paths are created for the next generation of leaders.

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